Time sucks for me as an artist. I work a full time job, I am a wife, I have four kids and I am an artist. I have very little time to actually paint. My work surface is covered in sketch after sketch of the cartoons I have in my head. Realistically, I only get to be creative an hour a weeknight (depending on homework, chores or some kid-related drama) and a good four hour block on the weekends. If I really push myself I can knock out two paintings a week. So, I did this piece for Under the Juniper Tree and discovered one thing.
It sucked balls.
I had an idea pop in my head and thought, yep, that'll work. I focused on one thing about the story I was illustrating and went with it. I struggled with damn thing for week, finishing it on the due date and realizing, it was crap. There was no way I could email this to my editor, she'd laugh then wipe her behind with it. After all that work, I scrapped it. I sat down, read the story again and found a new angle - bam! Two or three hours later, I had finished this:
I love it. I emailed it a day late, but it was much better than the first. It was totally worth it. I was racing the clock, but I thought, the editor would rather have a nice piece late than a piece of shit on time. Yes, it took more time and I could've just let it go, but I'm glad I didn't. This is a creative expression and that sometimes will take you longer than you think. I look forward to your thoughts on the picture...hope you love it as much as I do.
It is available at Stagi Works, just click on the picture and it will take you straight there...
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